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Copie France

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How the private copying levy works

An independent, mixed and balanced commission, chaired by a government representative, defines the media concerned on the basis of usage studies, as well as the remuneration scales and payment methods. Its decisions are published in the Official Journal. It's an exemplary model of transparency and fairness.
Copie France applies the Commission's decisions, being the sole interface with manufacturers and importers. The society redistributes the sums between the various colleges of authors, artists and producers, according to the legally and contractually established sharing keys.

Monitoring and transparency

Each year, the collective management organisations prepare a transparency report on the use of the sums intended for cultural actions (25% of private copying). These reports are sent to the Minister of Culture and to the Commission for the Supervision of Copyright and Related Rights Management Organisations. In addition, the complete list of supported projects, with the names of the beneficiaries and the amounts paid, is public and accessible to all on
Additional information


The law of July 4, 1985, established an independent commission, composed of representatives of the taxpayers and beneficiaries, whose mission is to determine the terms and conditions for the implementation of private copying levy. Read


Private copying remuneration now represents 7% of the total royalties collected in Europe. And 75 countries in the world have adopted a private copying levy system. Read
